Ты и я
Премьера в России 03-02-2011
О фильме Бобер/The Beaver
Премьера в России 28-07-2011
О фильме Смурфики/The Smurfs
Премьера в России 11-08-2011
О фильме Ночь страха/Fright Night
Премьера в России 22-09-2011
О фильме Как сумасшедший/Like Crazy
Мировая премьера 22-01-2011
О фильме Зимняя королева/The Winter Queen
Подготовка к съёмкам
О фильме Звездный путь- Сиквел/Untitled Star Trek Sequel
Премьера в России 28-06-2012
О фильме Не оставляй попыток/Keep Coming Back
О фильме Странный Томас/Odd Thomas
Съёмочный процесс
О фильме
Антон Елчин прославился благодаря роли в «Альфа-Доге», социальному фильму, в котором он сыграл вместе с такими звёздами, как Брюс Уиллис и Шерон Стоун. Однако, он ни капли не давал думать присутствующим, что он является популярным артистом: нет, Антон был сама скромность и само очарование. Елчин отвечал на вопросы хоть и с сильным акцентом, но по-русски:
- Антон, как ты прошел кастинг на роль русского вундеркинда Чехова? - Я не знаю. Все достаточно просто получилось. Не знаю, что произошло, но я пришел, мне в очень секретной обстановке дали почитать сценарий, я прочел, меня вызвали на пробы и как-то очень легко утвердили. Я хотел бы рассказать что-то выдающееся, но ничего экстремального не было. Все было очень… Само собой все получилось, вот и все.
- Собираешься ли ты и в дальнейшем связать свою творческую судьбу со «Стар Треком»? - Я в первую очередь хочу, чтобы наш фильм хорошо прошел и всем понравился. Потом будем думать, как развивать этих персонажей.
Вечером того же дня звездный десант появился на премьере фильма в кинотеатре «Пушкинский». Помимо самого появления на сцене они долго давали автографы, фотографировались с поклонниками и оставили отпечатки своих рук на плитках, чтобы «зацементировать» свое пребывание в Москве: не только в сердцах и умах фанатов-«трэккеров», но и для простых жителей столицы. http://www.annews.ru/news/detail.php?ID=182191
43 года жизни, 709 эпизодов шести телесериалов, 11 (теперь уже) полнометражных фильмов, сотни книг и рассказов, огромное количество компьютерных игр, гигантская армия поклонников – вселенная «Звездного пути» по праву считается одной из самых проработанных и запутанных в мире научной фантастики. 11-я картина, снятая Джей Джей Абрамсом, пытается ввести непосвященных зрителей в этот увлекательный и полный тайн мир.
Перезапуск франшизы «Звездный путь» под руководством опытного капитана Джей Джей Абрамса («Остаться в живых», «Монстро») воздействует на зрителя, даже не знакомого с оригинальным сериалом и его героями, на каком-то подсознательном уровне.
Новый «Звездный путь» между тем рассчитан не только на динозавров, заставших эру видеосалонов. Он, в отличие от старомодных, скучноватых и затянутых серий, современен, бодр, ритмичен, зрелищен почище «Монстро» и, чего так сильно недоставало предыдущим воплощениям сериала, чертовски остроумен. Тем же, кто боится внезапного погружения в мир незнакомых персонажей (напомним, этот «Звездный путь», вообще-то, уже 11-я полнометражная версия сериала), скажем твердо: пугаться здесь решительно нечего.
Главное в перезапуске любой франшизы – познакомить зрителя с уже ставшими культовыми (в США, явно не в России) героями, причем сделать это так умело, чтобы аудитория не только запомнила их по именам, но и влюбилась в этих харизматичных персонажей. И новый «Звездный путь» справляется с этим на все сто процентов. Полку «треккеров» после выхода «Пути» в прокат явно прибудет. Кстати, сценаристы при возникновении сомнений относительно правил звездного флота сразу же обращались к поклонникам сериала, которые с легкостью отвечали на их вопросы.
По сюжету, главные персонажи сериала капитан Джеймс Тибериус Кирк (Крис Пайн) и его первый помощник вулканианец Спок (Захари Куинто) впервые в жизни летят на корабле «Энтерпрайз», чтобы спасти планету Вулкан и ее обитателей от не известной им пока еще опасности. Корабль попадает в ловушку, которую подстроил коварный плутонианец Нерон (Эрик Бана), мстящий Споку за гибель своей планеты. Нерон недаром так зовется – мстит он с размахом, превышающим все ожидания. Дело осложняется тем, что, оказывается, враг прибыл из будущего…
Члены экипажа «Энтерпрайза» подобраны на пять баллов: страдающий авиафобией доктор Леонард Маккой (Карл Урбан), отличный пилот и фехтовальщик Сулу (Джон Чо), красавица-лингвист Ухура (Зои Салдана), на все руки мастер, механик Монтгомери Скотт (Саймон Пегг, также известен зрителям по британским комедиям «Типа крутые легавые» и «Зомби по имени Шон»), а также – по русской квоте, зря, что ли, Гагарина в космос отправляли – офицер Павел Чехов (Антон Ельчин – оцените чувство юмора ответственного за кастинг).
Из неожиданных камео – Леонард Нимой (единственный актер из оригинального сериала в роли постаревшего Спока) и задрапированная до неузнаваемости Вайнона Райдер (в роли матери Спока).
Для обозначения роскошного видеоряда не найти определения лучше, чем изобрели англичане: «eye candy». Самые смелые фантазии, когда-либо посещавшие режиссеров научной и не всегда научной фантастики, начиная от «Барбареллы» Роже Вадима (хотя можно, конечно, вести отчет и с Мельеса) до самых кошмарных снов создателя «Чужого» Ганса Рудольфа Гигера.
Джордж Лукас, Ридли Скотт, братья Вачовски и наивность Ричарда Викторова («Отроки во Вселенной») в одном флаконе. Но эклектичность не режет глаз (как, например, в отечественном «Обитаемом острове»), а гармонично сосуществует в рамках одного кадра.
Вообще, если проанализировать любовь зрителей к сериалу, то можно вычленить одну причину, по которой обновленный «Звездный путь» будет пользоваться популярностью. Это – его неизбывный оптимизм.
Зритель твердо знает: какие бы трудности и лишения ни свалились на долю капитана Кирка и его экипажа, они с честью, хотя и не без потерь, выкрутятся из любой ситуации. Эта уверенность сродни тому чувству, когда обретаешь твердое дно под ногами после долгого и выматывающего плавания.
Эта наивная уверенность в непоколебимости завтрашнего дня, в том, что космические корабли и завтра, и послезавтра будут бороздить просторы Вселенной, создает какое-то особое, приподнятое над обычной рутиной настроение. «Наша цель – смело идти туда, где не ступала нога человека», – говорят в финале картины. Что ж, следующее приключение в экипаже «Энтерпрайза» не за горами – студия Paramount Pictures планирует выпустить 12-ю серию летом 2011 года. http://www.vz.ru/culture/2009/4/14/275074.html
Anton Yelchin Finds His Inner "Angry Young Man" Anton Yelchin, star of the upcoming STAR TREK relaunch, talks about portraying Reece in his other upcoming relaunch, TERMINATOR SALVATION. Russian by birth, Yelchin is a natural to fill the role of Pavel Chekov, the upbeat young Russian crew member aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in the Star Trek relaunch. However, with little action picture experience behind him, how will Yelchin fare as the once-and-future super-soldier Reese (brilliantly played by Michael Biehn in the original Terminator) in Terminator Salvation? When asked what he hopes to bring to the role, Yelchin said:
"He's going through the normal teenage stages of being a young man, but he's going through them in a post-apocalyptic environment, being followed around by Terminators who are trying to kill him. So, taking that approach, what are the issues he's dealing with? Where can I show the hero? Where can I show the vulnerable person? The angry young man? Incorporating all of these elements really allows you to create the kind of character that hopefully is very interesting to watch and is just as likable as the original." http://www.earthsmightiest.com/fansites/BrentSprecher/news/?a=5783
This month is a big one for Anton Yelchin — maybe the biggest in his life. With roles in a pair of high-profile summer releases — Star Trek and Terminator Salvation — Yelchin’s life has lately become a blur of flashy premieres around the world and press junkets at five-star hotels.
But he’s trying to keep his wits about him. “These are all kind of the superficial elements of these kinds of features,” he says, shrugging at the plush Beverly Hills hotel suite he’s camped out in. “It’s beyond the reason I do what I do.”
Yelchin is already enjoying the top spot at the box office with Star Trek, in which he takes over the role of Russian navigator Pavel Chekov — not much of a stretch for the Leningrad-born Russian-American, who came to the U.S. as a toddler with his figure-skating parents after the fall of the Soviet Union.
For Yelchin, who is mostly known for smaller films like Charlie Bartlett and the TV series Huff, working on summer blockbusters is less a job than a chance to fulfill some childhood fantasies. “Suddenly felt like I was five again,” he says. “I used to be on this set in my mind in my backyard. It was a weird kind of nostalgia.”
But unlike the franchise reboot of Star Trek, his next big summer film has the daunting task of picking up where a less-than-stellar previous installment left off. “I went into this thinking this isn’t going to be T3” he says, referring to Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. “We’re going to try and take this more seriously,” Yelchin says.
And part of taking it more seriously meant the cast being more involved with the screenplay (by the same writers as T3). “I came to Albuquerque with a set of guidelines and a breakdown of (my character) Kyle Reese, and I wasn’t going to change those guidelines to change the script,” Yelchin explains. “Every scene needed to be adjusted.”
It’s no coincidence that Yelchin, just two months past his 20th birthday, has aspirations beyond acting. “I love filmmaking. I really am a movie geek. I’m obsessed with them,” he says. He’s even working on a screenplay — “a movie about teenagers, but kind of a self-conscious look at teenagers.”
And he shouldn’t have much trouble moving behind the camera, since he practically grew up in film school. “It’s the best free education you could get, just to work on a movie set and work with guys that know so much about what you’re doing. You don’t need to go to film school when you’ve had the opportunities that I have.”
But with box office returns like he’s been seeing, it might be a while before Yelchin gets a spare moment to get behind the camera. http://www.metronews.ca/ottawa....minator
Anton Yelchin, who plays young Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation, told SCI FI Wire that he studied the performance of Michael Biehn, who first played the character in the original Terminator movie, to get every detail right. Salvation is set in our future, but more than a decade before Reese travels back in time to protect Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) in James Cameron's 1984 movie.
"Having studied it, it's very elegantly done," Yelchin said in an exclusive interview last Friday in Beverly Hills, Calif. "Unless you sit there and study it, you're not told, like, 'Oh, my God, look at how much is going on.' The scenes where he's talking a lot, where maybe it's him telling her history, really, I watched a lot of that. I watched a lot of that for history, but I watched most of it for how he says it, his particular reactions."
On the day Yelchin's other big summer movie, Star Trek, opened (he plays Chekov), the young actor had already moved into Terminator mode. He went on to explain how he channeled Biehn to show how Reese would grow up to save John Connor's mom and conceive Connor himself. The following Q&A features edited excerpts of our exclusive interview with Yelchin. Terminator Salvation opens May 21. (Possible spoilers ahead!)
How monumental was it for you to say, "Come with me if you want to live?"
Yelchin: It certainly took a lot of studying that moment, that moment in T1. I watched it throughout the day on set. I watched it beforehand a lot. There's a fascinating way that he does it, which is kind of, if there was a continuation, it would be, "Come with me if you want to live, or you're f--ked." There's a certain edge of "You can do this right now, and you should do this right now," which was kind of cool, I thought.
I might be overanalyzing it, because I watched it so much. You need to really watch it a lot to get the little [nuances], and I'm sure it wasn't deliberate. It was just the take that they used, but that's part of the hero of Kyle Reese. There's an objective that he needs to achieve, and there's an intensity to it, but there's also a masculinity and a strength to it. So having watched all that and kind of getting to set and trying to kind of use those things and incorporate them into the performance, it's a lot of work for one line, but it's a hell of a line.
That's better than "I'll be back," isn't it?
Yelchin: I mean, "I'll be back" is classic, but for me, naturally it's Kyle Reese. "Come with me if you want to live" also sounds like there's no choice. It's like "If you don't come with me, you will die." That's what he's saying. "I'll be back" is "I'll be back," but "Come with me if you want to live," there's a certain intensity there. ...
Is cocking a shotgun one-handed more practical, or is it just badass?
Yelchin: It's badass. Actually it's not practical at all, because what happens is the gun jams a lot of the time. It's not supposed to be shot like that. You're supposed to shoot it like this [horizontally]. If you do it like this [vertically], there's a good chance the cartridge jams, and it did jam a couple times. On the shooting, it jammed a bunch in rehearsals. Not supposed to do it. Have you ever seen a cop [cock one-handed]? But it looks sick. Come on.
StarTrek_Yelchin_small.jpg Anton Yelchin plays Chekov in Star Trek.
Is Biehn's performance really underrated?
Yelchin: I mean, not to me it isn't. I mean, I don't know. So far I haven't heard anything where people don't appreciate it. I mean, in the grand scope of all performances that people talk about, is it underrated? Maybe.
It's a very particular performance. It's very particular to Terminator, but it works so wonderfully in that film, and having studied it so much, it's so layered. It's so layered, and I don't know if that's to Michael Biehn's credit or to James Cameron's credit. Probably both.
He's such a complex character, and there was so much for me to use, because you see him paranoid, you see him angry, and then you see him the hero from start to finish. Then you see him insanely vulnerable, and you see that he has this fixation on Sarah Connor from a photograph, meaning his whole internal sort of being has idealized this woman and created this woman in his mind that he's fallen in love with, and that speaks to an incredible range of loneliness and even sexual frustration. So there's so much to this character there. When she bites his hand, and he says, "Terminators can't feel pain. I do." That, to me, there's a huge amount of stuff there, too. It's such a dense performance, and I guess in that way it is underrated, because it's dense and yet very eloquent in the way that it's handled.
Have you gotten to meet him?
Yelchin: I actually haven't. I wonder if he'd just straight up kick my ass when he saw me. At this point, I could probably handle him. I don't know. No, I didn't get a chance to meet him, and I didn't get a chance to speak to him, but I was such a huge fan of this film, just huge.
When I went into Star Trek, for example, I didn't know very much about it, so it required a lot of research just to get to know on a basic level, before I got to studying the characters, just to get to know the universe. This universe I felt I knew so well. I felt like I had known this character for years, which I had. I probably saw T1 on VHS or something when I was, like, 5 or 6, probably. ...
With regard to Star Trek, do you have any inkling as to what the next mission will be?
Yelchin: No idea. I mean, no idea.
I know it's too soon to decide, but creatively, we imagine the possibilities.
Yelchin: Of course. Storywise, who knows? That's in the writers' minds. I've been asked, "Do I have any desires? Chekov to get with the green girl?" I don't know. I really don't. I would rather embrace whatever is there, work with that. It's more exciting to me.
With the new timeline, could they go on the same missions as the original series?
Termination Salvation (and Star Trek) star Anton Yelchin is a 20-year-old actor with “probing intellect of a man four times his age,” according to UK’s Dazed & Confused magazine.
“I was totally, immediately in love with acting,” he says. “There’s such potential for catharsis, for analyzing the human condition; for exploring yourself. I mean, I can’t work on myself for s—, but sometimes through the characters I find something deep inside myself that ends up really affecting me. It’s hard to be self-analytical, but with acting, you do find that you’re suddenly learning something about yourself.”
Anton philosophies, “There’s no emotional rest with acting. You’re always kind of in it. Which is how it should be, actually. I wouldn’t want it any other way.” http://justjared.buzznet.com/2009....onfused
Антон Ельчин Звезда фильма «Терминатор: Да придет спаситель» (Кайл Риз, будущий отец Джона Коннора) говорит по-русски с милым акцентом, то и дело переходя на «родной» английский язык. Антон родился на улице Кораблестроителей в Санкт-Петербурге в семье фигуристов Виктора Ельчина и Ирины Кориной. Едва будущему актеру исполнилось полгода, семья переехала в США. «Русский из меня никудышный, – признается 20-летний актер. – Россию я не помню, но люблю, как и своих родных, которые у меня там остались». http://www.woman.ru/stars....se#roll
HOLLYWOOD -- Anton Yelchin is trying to hold back his tears. But it's a losing battle. His blue eyes well up. His voice cracks. The 12-year-old has been reeling with pain and fear since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and he wants to get his feelings off his chest.
"I can't believe somebody would do something to our country," says Yelchin, shaking his head in disbelief. "I am really proud to live here. I am proud to live in a country where people love their country so much. It is horrible what happened. I think those people should be punished. My mom picked me up from the gym (the day of the attack) and I was so scared and nervous. My dad was at work and I was really scared because somebody said that three of the (hijacked) planes were going to L.A., which, thank God, didn't happen."
Yelchin is sitting at the table in the conference room of his agent's office in Universal City. Sitting in on the interview are his agent and his mother. Yelchin's parents, Irina and Victor, were championship ice skaters in Russia when they immigrated to the United States in 1989. Yelchin, who was born in Russia, was 6 months old when his family settled in Los Angeles.
"I always knew America was the best country in the world," he says. "When something like this happens, you don't realize how proud to be where you are."
Yelchin's agent walks out of the office and brings back a small glass of water for the young actor. After a quick gulp, he begins to calm down. And at the mention of Anthony Hopkins, his eyes brighten.
The young actor appears opposite the Oscar winner in the new drama "Hearts in Atlantis," which opened last Friday. Based on the short-story collection by Stephen King, "Hearts in Atlantis" focuses on the friendship that develops between 11-year-old Bobby Garfield and Ted Brautigan (Hopkins), a mysterious new lodger in the boarding house where Bobby lives with his self-obsessed and bitter mother, Liz (Hope Davis). Bobby's father is dead.
Because Ted is losing his sight, he enlists Bobby to read the daily newspaper to him. Ted also has strange powers to predict the future and is fearful that someone is after him. As the summer progresses, he becomes a father figure to Bobby and opens his eyes to the world. Scott Hicks ("Shine") directed the Castle Rock release, which also stars David Morse as the adult Bobby.
"I know a lot of people wouldn't want to come to movies at this time, but this is a movie that gives you a good feeling," Yelchin says. "It is a movie about a friendship and about people who love each other."
Although Hopkins insisted that Yelchin call him Tony, the young actor refused. Yelchin always addressed him as Sir Anthony. "Because of who he is, it's like I can't call somebody that I have seen ever since I was (young) 'Tony.'"
"The wonderful thing about Anton is he is so talented in what he does, but he is totally self-effacing," Hicks says. "He was just humbled at being in the presence of Sir Anthony. But when it came to doing the job, he just stepped into another gear and he became the part. He wasn't sort of overwhelmed by what he was doing because he could believe Bobby Garfield's situation."
Off screen, Hicks reports, Yelchin and Hopkins had long conversations.
"Anton is a remarkably intelligent boy and very well-read," Hicks says. "It was wonderful to overhear snips of conversation. They would be talking about 'Hamlet' and swapping quotes. It was quite remarkable and somehow reflected to me in a little way what was happening between Ted and Bobby on screen."
Yelchin learned a lot about his craft from Hopkins, although he finds it difficult to articulate exactly what the veteran actor taught him. "I learned everything," Yelchin stresses. "I didn't learn it consciously. I didn't go home and say, 'I know what I learned.' I would feel it inside that I had learned a lot."
(Begin optional trim)
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times in December 1989, Irina Yelchin said that her infant son Anton was already getting attention: "A woman came up to me, saw Anton, and said, 'He's beautiful. He will be actor.'"
(End optional trim)
Anton has been acting for three years.
"I was over at a friend's house and one of the people there was an actor," he relates. "He said I would be good (as an actor). I went over to an acting class and an acting coach said that I should go on auditions. I started going on auditions a lot and started doing commercials."
Currently in seventh grade, Yelchin's favorite subject is math. "I love English, but we don't have a permanent teacher yet," he says. "Today, we had four substitutes."
"You have a teacher on the set who is the best," pipes up his mother.
"Richard," Yelchin says with a smile. "He is my very good friend."
Yelchin tried his luck at ice skating but he didn't inherit his parents' talent. "I hate ice skating. I am the most unathletic person in the world."
But he has been playing the guitar for two years and the piano ever since Sir Anthony taught him "Moonlight Sonata."
An avid reader, he adds that "while I am in school, I learn as much as I can. Then when I am out of classes, I try to enhance my social life, which is really down there. I am part of the dork group. I am proud of that. I never want to be part of the popular group. They are obsessed with their clothes and their music." http://www.staugustine.com/stories/100501/com_185920.shtml
In 1967, an amazing breakthrough happened on "Star Trek". No, not a black woman, that was bound to happen sooner or later, it was the 60s and all. It was Pavel Chekov. A Russian. A Russian among Americans (and a Klingon). At the height of the Cold War (well, "Star Trek" didn't take place at the height of Cold War. It was filmed at the height of the Cold War. So the notion that Americans and Russians could, theoretically, get along, even in a distant and star-roaming future, was iffy at best).
Of course, Russian actors were scarce in Hollywood, so Chekov was played by Walter Koening. (Russian: No. Jewish: Yes.) And four decades passed.
The Cold War was over, not due to future inter-galactic friendship, but due to bubble gum and blue jeans. And when "Star Trek" was remade in 2009, casting a Russian as Chekov was no longer a problem. In theory.
Of course, to Americans, the new Chekov, Soviet-born Anton Yelchin is Russian. But to Russians...
Herein lies the dilemma, at the heart of which is definition of nationality and ethnicity. In America, Yelchin is considered a Russian, and now a Russian American (after becoming a US citizen) because of his birthplace. In Russia, because Yelchin's family is ethnically Jewish (and yes, in Russia, as throughout Europe, Jewishness is considered an ethnicity), he will never be considered a Russian, but rather a Jew, and now an American Jew.
So, maybe Americans and Russians can't get along, even in a distant future. But Americans and Russian American Jews? That's a start... http://www.jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=599
10.09.2009 Антон Ельчин станет сыном Мэла Гибсона и Джоди Фостер Звезда «Звёздного пути» снимется в независимой комедии «Бобёр» The Beaver, где Мэл Гибсон играет человека, чей душевный комфорт зависит от наличия на руке игрушечного бобра. Джоди Фостер также является режиссёром этого необычного фильма.
Сценарий Кайла Киллена в декабре прошлого года возглавлял список самых интересных проектов, которые так и не были разобраны Голливудом. Этот «чёрный список» состоит по большей части из оригинальных, но достаточно рискованных сценариев. Не всякие крупные голливудские студии берутся за постановку фильмов по ним.
Снимать «Бобра» будет Anonymous Content – студия ещё в июле этого года объявила о запуске проекта в производство. Герой Мэла Гибсона носит на руке игрушечного бобра и общается с ним, как с настоящим человеком. Антону Ельчину досталась роль его сына, который будет просить свою мать в исполнении Джоди Фостер развестись с отцом.
Прокатчиком ленты в Штатах будет Summit Entertainment. Релиз фильма планируется в конце 2010 года или в начале 2011.
Антон Ельчин в последний раз появлялся на большом экране в боевике «Терминатор: Да придёт спаситель». В этом году актёра можно будет увидеть в киноальманахе «Нью-Йорк, я люблю тебя».
Добавлено (10.09.2009, 11:46) --------------------------------------------- А я уже начала опасаться, что в 2010 кроме как на сцене, в качестве исполнителя, больше нигде и не увижу Антона ... опасения были напрасными Хотя одного фильма в год с его участием мне всё же маловато.
Двадцатилетний сын петербургских фигуристов Антон Ельчин сегодня известный голливудский актер. Он уже снялся в фильмах «Звездный путь» (Star trek) и «Терминатор: Да придет спаситель» (Terminator Salvation). Антон оказался в Америке в полугодовалом возрасте. Родители пытались сделать из него звезду фигурного катания, но мальчик не очень твердо стоял на льду. Тогда его отдали в студию актерского мастерства. В восемь лет Антон снялся в рекламе, а потом предложения буквально посыпались на него.
Антон Ельчин – актер амбициозный. Он равняется на голливудскую суперзвезду Роберта де Ниро. Так что мы, вероятно, еще услышим о нем. http://www.nrs.com/?p=728