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Проекты Антона
Ты и я
Премьера в России 03-02-2011
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Бобер/The Beaver
Премьера в России 28-07-2011
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Смурфики/The Smurfs
Премьера в России 11-08-2011
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Ночь страха/Fright Night
Премьера в России 22-09-2011
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Как сумасшедший/Like Crazy
Мировая премьера 22-01-2011
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Зимняя королева/The Winter Queen
Подготовка к съёмкам
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Звездный путь- Сиквел/Untitled Star Trek Sequel
Премьера в России 28-06-2012
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Не оставляй попыток/Keep Coming Back
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Странный Томас/Odd Thomas
Съёмочный процесс
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Слухи и новости про Антона
Pooh1150Дата: Пятница, 17.04.2009, 12:56 | Сообщение # 1
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Итак вот вычитала что возможно Антон может сняться в очередном супергеройском кино) Если получиться думаю выйдет вполне занятно biggrin

Pooh1150Дата: Среда, 11.11.2009, 01:10 | Сообщение # 2
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Anton Yelchin comes out to support his Alpha Dog co-star Ben Foster at the premiere of The Messenger on Sunday (November 8).

The 20-year-old Russian actor is currently filming The Beaver with Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster.

In the film, Anton plays the son of Mel and Jodie and lobbies for his parents to split up as Mel finds solace in wearing a beaver puppet in his hand.

The Beaver will hit screens next year.

Read more: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2009....UshRrQM

Pooh1150Дата: Среда, 13.01.2010, 08:24 | Сообщение # 3
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Что-то участились упоминания о том что АНтон должен стать новым Человеком пауком! Ну кто знает wink
Who He? He broke through with Alpha Dog, impressed in Charlie Bartlett, was the best thing in Terminator Salvation as Kyle Reese, and essayed a comedy accent as Chekov in Star Trek.

Why He? The same puppy dog-esque edge he brought to Chekov could work very well as Parker, but he has the range to push himself into more action-y roles - and he's more or less the right age. Will he want another franchise to run alongside Trek, though? And is he too physically slight? (Then, so was Maguire…)


Pooh1150Дата: Вторник, 19.01.2010, 23:25 | Сообщение # 4
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Так теперь уже пишут что из Антона вышел бы неплохой Гарри Осборн! Ну незнаю! Может быть biggrin

Anton Yelchin as Harry Osborn. Quite a year for Mr. Yelchin. First, he portrayed Kyle Reese in Terminator to great reception, despite the movie’s overall mediocre reviews. He was very effective portraying the soon-to-be father of John Connor, and the future nemesis of Ahnold. Then, a couple months later, Yelchin would portray Pavel Chekov in the 2009 Star Trek film, which he also received positive remarks for, and the movie itself was critically acclaimed. Yelchin showed he can be like-able, tough, and strong-willed in Terminator, essential for Harry’s, shall we say, “happier times.” Of course, a big part of Harry is his struggle against his father’s legacy as the Green Goblin, a legacy which he would eventually inherit, becoming the second Green Goblin. The actor playing Harry would need to be able to be convincing as a darker character as well as the supportive friend to Peter. Yelchin would be able to handle this with ease. In Alpha Dog, Yelchin had a very mature role which was much darker than, say, Reese or Chekov. He’d be more than able to convey Harry’s complicated story arc, going from the like-able best friend of Peter, to the dark villain of Spider-Man.

Pooh1150Дата: Пятница, 05.02.2010, 01:21 | Сообщение # 5
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ГМ! Вычитала тут чтоо Антон будет в Азазеле играть surprised
В ряду ваших проектов на 2010 год также стоят такие постановки, как «Азазель» и «Сталинград». Могли бы вы рассказать о них поподробнее?

Дмитрий Рудовский:
«Азазель» - это проект, который мы делаем совместно с американскими продюсерами. Федор Бондарчук выступает в качестве режиссера. Студия отвечает за производство фильма на территории Российской Федерации и частично на территории Венгрии. Мы же станем дистрибьюторами фильма в России. Съемочный период запланирован с конца февраля по середину мая 2010 года. Фильм будет сниматься на английском языке с участием зарубежных звезд: Милы Йовович, Антона Ельчина и Хелен Миррен. «Сталинград» будет реализован двумя компаниями – «Non-stop production» Сергея Мелькумова и Александра Роднянского, и нашей -«Art Рictures Studio». К съемкам этого проекта, режиссером которого станет также Федор Бондарчук, планируется приступить в конце 2010 года.

Pooh1150Дата: Вторник, 06.04.2010, 23:29 | Сообщение # 6
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Пока ещё не подтверждено но Антон может озвучить мультфильм Smurfs про забавных гномов!

Pooh1150Дата: Вторник, 20.04.2010, 08:21 | Сообщение # 7
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Вроде как Антон сниметься в короткометражке Австралийской
Mini Studios will start production of the short film The Apprentice in Melbourne this week, for inclusion in a feature produced by Peter Farrelly and Charles B. Wessler, of There’s Something About Mary fame.

It will be directed by Steve Baker and Damon Escott, with funding from Screen Australia and Film Victoria.

A spokesperson for Film Victoria said the decision to support this project was made last week.

The Apprentice is one of 24 comedy shorts that will be released as one film by Summit Entertainment.

The cast includes American actor Anton Yelchin and Shane Jacobson and Colin Lane. The other shorts will feature Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Sam Rockwell, Justin Long, Julianne Moore, Naomi Watts, Liev Schreiber, Anna Faris, Elizabeth Banks, Seann William Scott, Gerard Butler, Johnny Knoxville, directed by people such as Brett Ratner, Mike Judge and Farrelly himself.

Encore will publish an interview with producers Mini Studios tomorrow.

Pooh1150Дата: Вторник, 15.06.2010, 23:22 | Сообщение # 8
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Кандидатов на роль Питера Паркера стало больше
Еще два актера добавились в шорт-лист претендентов на главную роль в перезапуске «Человека-паука» Марка Уэбба. Это Аарон Джонсон, игравший в фильмах «Пипец» и «Стать Джоном Ленноном», и Антон Ельчин, за плечами которого уже есть две крупные франшизы — «Терминатор» и «Звездный путь».

Когда этой зимой в Sony приняли решение перезапустить «Человека-паука», то многие волновались (или радовались), что проект может пойти по стопам фильма «Пипец»: молодой лузер становится героем, фанаты в восторге, кассовые сборы — не очень.

Правда, мало кто рассчитывал, что «Пипец» может наступить в буквальном смысле: Аарон Джонсон, сыгравший заглавного героя у Мэттью Вона, оказался в шорт-листе кандидатов на роль Питера Паркера. Уже несколько месяцев его имя не покидает разделы слухов различных киносайтов. Причем Джонсона приписывали не только к «Человеку-пауку», но и к новому фильму Вона «Люди Икс: Первый класс».

Антон Ельчин станет, пожалуй, самым известным пополнением в ряду актеров, которые могут примерить на себя красно-синее трико. В прошлом году он стал известен миру как Кайл Риз из ленты «Терминатор: Да придет спаситель» и русский вундеркинд Чехов из ребута «Звездного пути». У Антона на очереди роль Фандорина в экранизации «Азазеля» Бориса Акунина, но теперь, когда на горизонте маячит «Человек-паук», все может измениться.

Информацию о добавлении еще двух имен разузнали журналисты из LA Times.

Таким образом, список претендентов сейчас выглядит так: Джэми Белл, Олден Эренрич, Фрэнк Диллэйн, Эндрю Гарфилд, Джош Хатчерсон, Аарон Джонсон и Антон Ельчин.

Pooh1150Дата: Воскресенье, 27.06.2010, 21:57 | Сообщение # 9
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ГМ! АНтон попал в шорт лист кастинга на роль Человека-пайка!
We've been hearing about casting rumors for the upcoming "Spider-Man" reboot ever since the film was announced. Deadline is now reporting that the decision-making will soon be over since most of the young actors that are being considered to play Peter Parker have already tested for the role.

At this point nobody has been offered the job and it's still possible that more candidates will be added. The actors who have already screen tested are Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot), Anton Yelchin (Star Trek), Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass), Andrew Garfield (Social Network), Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) and Alden Ehrenreich (Tetro).

It has yet to be confirmed whether Frank Dillane (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) has tested since he's on the short-list as well. And Michael Angerano (Lords of Dogtown) will likely pass on the audition in order to attend drama school in London.

Since production will begin before the end of the year, the studio will want to choose their star as soon as possible in order to begin casting supporting roles. The film is scheduled to hit theaters on July 3rd, 2012.

Read more: http://www.worstpreviews.com/headlin....4rgKkxn

Pooh1150Дата: Суббота, 03.07.2010, 00:15 | Сообщение # 10
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Не быть Антону человеком-пауком! Да может и к лучшему biggrin

Pooh1150Дата: Пятница, 10.09.2010, 23:31 | Сообщение # 11
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Супергерой для Антона
ANTON YELCHIN (Star Trek) as WALLY WEST/THE FLASH: The fan cast I did had Neil Patrick Harris as Barry Allen, and I was going to use him as the Flash but I decided to instead change it up and have it where Barry is already dead and Wally just takes over the mantle.

Pooh1150Дата: Понедельник, 25.10.2010, 12:48 | Сообщение # 12
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Anton Yelchin
Remember that scene in Step Brothers where Rob Riggle tells Will Ferrell he wants to punch him in the face? Not for any particular reason, of course, there's just something about that suck hole that needs punching. That's how I feel about Anton Yelchin's passive-aggressive, one hundred and eight pound frame at the start of every movie. There's just something about him that bothers me, makes me want to yell “man up” during random intervals until he feels self-conscious and changes, but as the movie goes on, I always start to hate these Anton Yelchin characters a little less. Then by the end, I'm cheering as they go skinny dipping with Amanda Seyfried and make out with Kat Dennings. I don't know why it happens, perhaps it's because Anton Yelchin's emaciated frame is Oliver Twisty, but more than likely, it's because these characters are supposed to come off as effeminate douches until they slowly start to figure it out. Such is the power of Anton Yelchin that he could convince me to hate him, the bastard.

Pooh1150Дата: Понедельник, 18.04.2011, 23:51 | Сообщение # 13
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Плейлист Антона
Anton Yelchin, who currently stars as Mel Gibson's son in The Beaver, is standing outside the Knickerbocker in Los Angeles, admiring its faded glory. Once a grandiose Hollywood hotel - Elvis stayed there, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio held court at the bar - the Knickerbocker was turned into an apartment complex in the 1970s, and it's now filled with Russian Emigrants, Yelchin's grandfather among them. "There's an unbelievably funny, sad, and chaotic energy that comes from this beautiful art deco building," he says. Chaos, I quickly discover, fascinates Yelchin. We asked the 22-year-old actor and aspiring photographer, who will soon be seen in Like Crazy (this year's Grand Jury Prize winner at Sundance) and the big-screen adaptation of Fright Night, for a list of 10 songs that inspire him to create, both characters and pictures. The playlist is unexpected, intense, and impassioned, much like the man who compiled it.

I chose this one because it's so aggressive. With NWA, those guys created such an offensive hyper-reality in terms of the identities they chose. I don't know any of them personally, and I'm sure they have the criminal records to back up what they're saying, but so much of hip-hop culture is about the image you create. The reason I like this song so much is because of the way it glorifies, in a really bizarre and inappropriate way - especially when you think about the number of middle-class white kids who listen to it - all of the awful things that were going on in street culture. Because the song exists in the pop sphere, it loses all of its racial meaning and becomes an ode to violence and misogyny. I'm fascinated by vulgar things.

There's a myth that Johnson was such a great guitar player because he sold his soul to the devil, who came to him at a crossroads and tuned his guitar for him. Just like with the Dre song, a satanic energy pervades this one. Although I'm Jewish, I'm not religious - I don't think I'm going to Hell if I jerk off twice in a day - but I do see Satan as a chaotic force that grows out of our post-capitalist culture. I was at a Grammys party and the TV was on, showing footage of the revolution in Egypt, and no one gave a shit about what was on the screen. Those two opposites are so chaotic when they're put together, and it's what I imagine Johnson is singing about: loss, loneliness, and feelings of isolation.

Death is such an inevitable and frightening part of human existence. All of the literature to which I'm drawn has that sense of impermanence. No matter how much chaos you seek, there's still a desire in each person for salvation. I don't mean that in any Christian or Judeo-Christian sense. I just mean that we all seek some form of comfort in our lives.

The great thing about Blind Willie Johnson is that he sounds gruff and grizzly at times, and at others beautiful and haunting. Something about this song affects me profoundly; there is an immense amount of pain in it, a desire for love and union and all of the things we'd like to think exist in the world. Dylan really borrowed that from him. When I first approach the characters I play, I look at where their pain comes from and how they deal with it. I have a very bleak view of people and humanity. Life is difficult, dark, and challenging, but it's how we deal with it that makes us who we are.

It sounds like a gospel track - a weird, psychedelic, drug-infused gospel track. If the Blind Willie Johnson song is meant for sadness and whisky, then "Movin' On Up" is like riding a tidal wave.

I don't really agree with the politics of punk bands; I think their politics are in their sound, not necessarily in what they're saying. Punk musicians say all sorts of ultra-left-wing things, but how leftist can you be when you're making, releasing, and selling music? Doom's politics were kind of irrelevant. Everything's irrelevant in our society because even our politics become something people can buy; just another thing you can use to mythologize yourself or create the identity you think is real. And there's nothing you can do about it because that's just how our society functions - unless you want to go and live naked in the woods, making your own clothing and food.

I went through a phase, when I was 10 or 11, when I'd listen to a lot of classic rock. It lasted about 15 minutes, and was followed by a shitty indie phaase - I can't stand that stuff anymore. In the past few years I've progressed to noise. I love the droning dissonance of Spaceman 3, although this particular song isn't all that dissonant. There's such a moving line in there when he says, "I don't mind dyin' but I hate to leave my mother cryin'." That is such an honest thing to say, and something I can really, really relate to.

This song breaks my heart. I'm not a philosopher - I'm not wise to any degree - but I do realize that if you have someone who really loves you, then you keep them. Sometimes we get too afraid and we push ourselves away from the people we love, which is what The Beaver is all about. I was really drawn to Porter, the character I play in the film, because he's so paranoid and afraid, and he closes himself off from everyone, basically mirroring his father because of his hatred for him. The movie explores how deep you can go into darkness before you lose the things that are really important. I can't even begin to imagine what Mel is going through right now. He was so happy about his little daughter when we were on set. We all have problems, but it's really sad when they start to take away the things that matter to us most.

This song shares the same violent energy found throughout this list. Even if they're from different socioeconomic backgrounds, Johnny Cash and Dr. Dre both have a unifying sense of aggression and a healty dose of misogyny. I don't want to come off sounding like a misogynistic, violent human being - I'm definitely not - but on the Folsom Prison recording, all of the prisoners are cheering along to the song [about a man who kills his wife] and their energy is infectious. I'm really fasicinated by sexual aggression, especially in my photography. I take really explicit photos of human genitals because they're symbols of power and objectification. I think the camera lens is very similar to someone's cock. It's like you possess whatever is in front of your lens and then, well, I don't have to explain the other part.

There's something really Dionysian about this one. I love going to dinner with my girlfriend, feasting with someone I really care about, and then making love to her. I'd never devalue the person I'm with, but at the same time sexual acts are inherently aggressive. I think Lennon was going through primal scream therapy when he recorded this song with the Plastic Ono Band. Three minutes into the song he screams for, like, two full minutes. I put this song at the end of the list because it summarizes everything we've been talking about. It's aggressive, introspective, lonely, painful, and slightly misogynistic. When I expound upon these negative, violent things at home, my mom goes, "God, why do you hate everything so much? You're so angry." If I could put together a film playlist, I'd include Fassbinder's work because he's just so vulgar and anti-everything, but also extremely intelligent. He's not into that anarchist punk shit, which I hate. Everytime I hear that, it's like, "Shut up! Go back to fucking Hot Topic."

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